Choosing artworks
For the exhibition I needed to start choosing what artworks I wanted to show. The area is limited, every artist gets about 2-2 1/2 meters on a wall. We will also have tables and some screens. I can also extend by bringing an easel to have a painting on. I have selected portraits and some intuitive artworks so that the audience can get a good fel about me and what I paint. This is some of the artwork that I will bring to the exhibition.
I have a mix of styles I like to work with, I mainly paint with oils, but it’s fun from time to time to paint in acrylics too. Most of my art work is framed.
Framing artworks
I love frames, I love going hunting for frames and I love planning artworks for specific frames. Of course, not all frames were ready to be exhibited with their intended artwork, I therefore needed to prepare the frames for the artwork.
My partner is making a wonderful floating frame for a large painting 80*80 cm. We are painting it black.These are some of the vintage frames I’m working on for the exhibition. I think that they will look great with their artwork.
Hope to see you at the exhibition!